Last April 22-24, 2007 the people of Capul Island gathered to craft a sustainable tourism plan for their municipality. The planning process utilized a participatory approach and was facilitated by Louie and Chen Mencias of Bluewater Consultancy, Training and Services, a consultantcy outfit that specializes in tourism planning. The seminar/workshop was attended by Barangay Captains and their officers, resort owners, teachers, LGU staff, youth and representatives from other sectoral groups. The three-day workshop was an overwhelming success. The output was a document that outlines the development framework for Capul Island. The plan includes the Vision, Mission, Objectives and Goals articulated by the participants. It also includes strategies and specific activities that form part of the recommendatons of the consultants.

The workshop also provided an opportunity for the participants to learn contemporary concepts and strategies on tourism development for small islands. Throughout the entire process facilitators introduced planning tools that made them work together in assessing tourism resources, discussing issues and concerns, and assessing their strengths, weaknessess, opportunities and threats (SWOT). They also conducted a stakeholder analysis that made them realize that an understanding of the roles of each sector in the industry is the key towards establishing a strong Partnership.

Based on the evaluation of the participants, Capul seem to be a generally safe place to be. History is the most compelling or distinct feature of the island. Any tourism product development initiative should capitalize on this unique attribute. The lighthouse, the church and other historical landmarks show the greatest drawing power. Although the lighthouse has the potential to motivate travelers to come to the island, the road needs to be improved. The quality and quantity of amenities and facilities that will address the needs of tourists will have to be increased and standards elevated. The culture and language will enhance visitor experience and should be integrated in the overall theme of the tour packages for Capul. The Capul Island Sustainable Tourism Plan highlights three major components - product development, social preparation and promotions and marketing. Participants agree that a balanced approach to tourism development is the best way to preserve history, culture and the natural environemtent of the island while optimizing economic benefit.

The workshop also provided an opportunity for the participants to learn contemporary concepts and strategies on tourism development for small islands. Throughout the entire process facilitators introduced planning tools that made them work together in assessing tourism resources, discussing issues and concerns, and assessing their strengths, weaknessess, opportunities and threats (SWOT). They also conducted a stakeholder analysis that made them realize that an understanding of the roles of each sector in the industry is the key towards establishing a strong Partnership.

Based on the evaluation of the participants, Capul seem to be a generally safe place to be. History is the most compelling or distinct feature of the island. Any tourism product development initiative should capitalize on this unique attribute. The lighthouse, the church and other historical landmarks show the greatest drawing power. Although the lighthouse has the potential to motivate travelers to come to the island, the road needs to be improved. The quality and quantity of amenities and facilities that will address the needs of tourists will have to be increased and standards elevated. The culture and language will enhance visitor experience and should be integrated in the overall theme of the tour packages for Capul. The Capul Island Sustainable Tourism Plan highlights three major components - product development, social preparation and promotions and marketing. Participants agree that a balanced approach to tourism development is the best way to preserve history, culture and the natural environemtent of the island while optimizing economic benefit.
I love Capul it is truely a paradise with endless beaches, no cars, and so rich in history.
It makes me proud to live on such a paradise island. Owen
Just returned after 4 months and it is even better than before. Come and see for your self
Hello Mr. FIX IT Samar!
I am Carl Jamie Simple S. Bordeos, working as Researcher at the Research and Human Development Center at Christ the King College - Calbayog City, Samar. We are currently doing a research on Samar History, and so far, I would say that I have gathered the extensive research/details on Samar. We will publish these data in a book which will be out by September 2009. I can share any interesting details of Capul to you. Just give me time to organize, validate and finalize it. Regards.
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